Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Chuck Norris Free Party Ideas – Cheap Chuck Norris Themed Party Supplies – Chuck Norris Birthday Party Invitations – Decorations - Gift Ideas

Chuck Norris Free Party Ideas – Cheap Chuck Norris Themed Party Supplies – Chuck Norris Birthday Party Invitations – Decorations - Gift Ideas

Just imagine a Chuck Norris themed birthday party. Or Chuck Norris themed birthday party invitations. Man they could really pack a wallop. No kidding. A Chuck Norris themed birthday party is definitely living dangerously.

If you follow the martial arts, and the career of Chuck Norris, or have someone in your life that does, then a Chuck Norris birthday party is the kind of party that might hold appeal.

Just imagine what sort of invitations and party supplies you could use. It doesnt matter whether you buy Chuck Norris invitations, make your own or download invitations for free, they would certainly be in your face.

And then we can talk about Chuck Norris themed party supplies. Martial arts uniforms, weapons, headaches and bruises. Can you buy fake bruises? We hope so, if not, and you want authenticity in your Chuck Norris themed birthday party costume, you may need to use the real thing. Fake blood? Lets not go there.

So assuming you have bought or purchased all of the weapons oops we mean party supplies you will need to hold a Chuck Norris themed party, what next?

Well , while you are waiting for your victims, we mean, guests, to arrive you could plan what you are going to do to them. Sorry, we mean what kind of party activities and games you have planned. Really, thats what we meant. Physical actvities and suitably manly and masculine and macho party games we would say.

Do tough guys eat birthday cakes? We dont think so, unless its the kind of cake that someone can jump out of. Exactly who would you have jumping out of a Chuck Norris birthday cake? Mr T perhaps? and what happens once that poor person jumps out? Hope they are getting paid lots.

Lets face it. A Chuck Norris themed birthday party is perhaps one of the best excuses for absolute hilarity coupled with vague menaces that you are going to get. Particularly if your party becomes a bar crawl. Imagine being in town, when suddenly twenty or thirty Chuck Norrises walk into your local bar.

In the meantime, the Justin Bieber lookalike convention is also in the same bar. Don't they both have the same haircut?

We hope you have a great party folks, party on!

Chuck Norris, themed, free, party, party ideas, ideas, party supplies, birthday, birthday party, birthday invitations, party invitations, invitations, decorations, gift ideas, gifts, cheap, discount, download

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