Sunday, June 22, 2003

Okay, I get having to split HP7 into two parts, but seriously? Breaking Dawn? NOTHING HAPPENS IN BREAKING DAWN

They sit around doing nothing for eighty years and talk about how they have a magic baby. How can you possibly stretch that into 4 hours?


Friday, June 20, 2003



His band is playing at a small club in town tonight.



Friday, June 6, 2003


means significant other.

an illicit lover.

Middle English, from par amour for the sake of love, willingly from Anglo-French par amur

Sunday, June 1, 2003

Out of the closet

i hope this doesn’t offend your sensibilities, readers (all… two of you), but i must confess: i am a closet TWILIGHT freak.

let me be very clear: i don’t expect Stephenie Meyer to join the ranks of Austen and the Brontes. her writing is okay, her descriptions a bit lackluster, and her flair for the dramatic is excessive (Bella fainting basically every time Edward kisses her? give me a break).

the overall story, though? the impossible love she created with a few strokes of a pen (keyboard)? irresistible. how else can you explain her New York Times Bestseller status and over 100 million copies (of the Twilight Saga books) sold?

their love is just that: irresistible. i wouldn’t be surprised to see Bella and Edward’s romance stand the test of time, but still. i hate to love them. cocaine is to an addict as Bella is to Edward as the Twilight Saga is to me.

maybe it’s that hopeless romantic buried way down deep inside of me, but it is true. i can’t get enough of this modern twist on a classic-ish romantic novel. the Twilight Saga will find a permanent home on my bookshelf.

Good morning, Lima!

A new day has dawned on a new Rachel Berry. Jesse St. James has done me the amazing favor of reminding who I am and what I am capable of…. what really matters in my life right now.

I am done feeling sad or sorry for myself. I am done wallowing in self pity every time their relationship gets rubbed in my face I have to deal with things I don’t like. I’m tougher, stronger, and more determined than ever to get out of Lima and make it big on the Broadway stage. New York is my destiny. Nothing and no one is going to get in my way or slow me down.

I’m putting in extra time today in the vocal rehearsal spaces, because Rachel Berry does not stop for anyone.
