Sunday, December 24, 2006

So me and my friend were talking about Glee and Quick

Her: So what did they do with the whole Beth thing?

Me: What the hell is Beth?

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Fic rec: Aftermath

“You’re beautiful,” Blaine whispers as other couples begin to fill the dance floor. It’s just loud enough for Kurt to hear and Kurt can only smile wider as Blaine twirls him around, their dancing increasing in speed. Klaine; Spoilers for Prom Queen

- Aftermath, by soundslikeaplan

Post-Prom with Blaine angst. XD

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Thursday, December 7, 2006

Twilight Momento! XD

I seriously can’t wait till Breaking Dawn. I loved that book out of all the Twilight series. I’m in love with the movie stills but I’m kinda upset about the Denali Coven. Tanya is suppose to have STRAWBERRY BLONDE HAIR NOT blonde hair! Come on! I was looking forward to a somewhat red-head vampire friend of the Cullen’s. Since you’ve been reading this have you noticied everything in bold-italic have something to do with Twilight ;)
