Thursday, September 30, 2010

Red Head :)

So i finally took the plunge!!
for quite some time now...(.in fact i first thought of going red back in about March)...i have been contemplating the big change for a long time now...i was worried i would regret it, or it would fry my hair cause they would have to strip the dark chocolate colour first!!
i had been thinking and thinking and thinking.....

and now finally i did something about it :)

so they stripped the dark chocolate out and then coloured it red....its actually mix of copper and a purple colour to get the colour i wanted!!

when i first walked out of the hair salon, i looked fluro...cause it was really sunny here in Sydney...and it looked so bright...but im really happy with it now!! i cant wash it for over 48 hours just to let it really set in my the moment the roots are quite bright and that will settle after the 1st wash...but i actually dont mind the bright roots!!

im happy with it and my hairdresser!! she has gotten to know me since i started goign to her last christmas...she knows im fair and have a cool skin tone, so she helped pick the right colour to match that!  im really glad she did the colour!!

there i am in pyjama bottoms :) lol....Emmanuel took this photo!!

so i am now a red head!!!

im very happy i finally did it....i will see how it goes over the next few weeks...i only wash my hair about twice a week...and i will use a red shampoo to help it last longer!!

but yes im glad i took the plunge!!!

now Emmanuel calls me a fiery red head (i think he means fiery when i get bossy or angry) lol

Lots of Love

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


i finished season 1 in a week, and now i’m on to season 2!’s also time to rub down my horrific sunburn with aloe vera.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Lady GaGa Puts On a Fans Underwear + Telephone at Monster Ball San Jose 720p HD


Glee 2 x 21 "Funeral" Songs

Wait… so there’s now like… 6 songs?

• Some People

• Pure Imagination

• My Man

• Back to Black

• Try A Little Tenderness

• Pretending

I still can’t get over how perfect Chris is in “Pure Imagination” & “Some People”.


Anyone has download links to “Some People”, “Back to Black” or “Pretending”?

Saturday, September 25, 2010

What's your opinion on fandom tattoos?

I’ve always thought they were foolish and regrettable. But since my obsession with Kids in the Hall began, all I’ve wanted was a KITH tattoo. So now I don’t know what to think.

I guess it would have to depend on the person and the fandom. For example, there are several people who have been obsessed with Harry Potter and/or Dr. Who for literally decades. That type of love and dedication can definitely be turned into a tattoo, because it can be assumed that the person will continue loving Harry Potter and/or Dr. Who for several more decades and will therefore not regret their tattoo.

A fandom that has become a pop culture icon that everybody in the western world knows about is also, in my opinion, a suitable tattoo. For example, a Sesame Street character or Hello Kitty. Both can remind the tattoo’s owner of their childhood or even themselves. Plus, even if you aren’t obsessed with Sesame Street, it always has a way of making anyone happy.

The fandoms I don’t approve of people getting tattoos of are fads and juvenile obsessions. Twilight is a fad and is vanishing quickly. In a few years, it will be completely unheard of and deep regret will sink in in the minds of all the addicted fans who got a Twilight tattoo. Likewise, while the Jonas Brothers have captured many young girls’ hearts, when the teenager who got Nick Jonas tattooed to her breast gets older and hopefully more mature, she will realize how silly the Jonas Brothers are and will rue the day she got her tattoo.

Also, no matter what fandom you’re part of, I don’t approve of portrait tattoos. Sure, they’re fine when you want to capture the image of your beloved cat or your deceased friend, but getting a tattoo of you’re favourite actor is going way overboard. For starters, actors age. Your Daniel Radcliffe tattoo will be severely outdated in a mere 5-10 years. Secondly, it’s easily distinguishable. What if you fall out of love with Harry Potter in a few years? If you got Hedwig tattooed to your shoulder and soon after developed a hatred for the series, that’s OK. Instead of thinking of your tattoo as a character from the books you hate, just think of it as an owl. Everyone (except mice) like owls. Your TARDIS can just look like a strange, old British police box. Your Dark Mark can easily be passed off as a run-of-the-mill serpent. And the third and most important argument, it’s downright creepy. If I were famous, I wouldn’t be flattered if someone got my or my chararacter’s portrait forever part of their skin. In all honesty, I would be severely creeped out. And I’m sure there are many famous people who agree with me.

So, what do you guys think? If you have a fandom tattoo, of what?

Friday, September 24, 2010

Repercussion at my school today about the gay marriage in Brazil

So today my history teacher entered the classroom and the first thing he said was congratulate the city I live for be having one of the firsts gay couples to officially get married. All the classroom was making disgusted sounds and jokes about it, so the teacher told everyone to shut up, the same teacher that made in almost every single lesson a ton of offensive jokes about being gay, told everyone how that was big and how they weren’t supposed to make fun about it. Everyone had to stop what they were doing to clap for all the gays out there that now can get married in Brazil, the people whom they offend everyday. It was just so good to show them that we are all people no matter gay or not we need to have equal rights. Now we all can get married around here.




Thursday, September 23, 2010

Proof that Frizzy, Curly Hair is the Business

Been feeling a little under confident about my hair lately. Thus, like an “un-normal” person, I will prove that my mane is amazing by posting tumblr gifs of other such hot afro-heads.

Exhibit A: Hermione Granger: Nuf’ Said.

Exhibit B: Beyonce

Exhibit C: Felicity: Ruined the show after cutting that mane.

Exhibit D: Diana Ross and Michael Jackson: Two Legends that Rocked the hair.

Exhibit E: Bob Ross. Best for Last…After all, who could live without Happy Trees?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

International Make-up Artist Trade Show (IMATS)

I had a great time at IMATS on the weekend!!

it was so worth going and i had lots of fun with some friends!!

IMATS is basically a trade show that they have in L.A, Toronto, London, New York, Vancouver and now SYDNEY :) yay!!!

its for makeup artists to go and meet up with other makeup artists, listen to different talks and demonstrations and also to buy some awesome top brand products at discounted prices!!

its only been in Sydney for 2 years now, so i was really happy to be able to go!!

this is the makeup artists from the The Pacific!! they won an Emmy for their work!!

was really good to listen to some 'Aussies' who are making it in the make-up industry

Body painting!! was awesome!!

the model is standing in front of a board of wall paper and the artist is making her blend into it by doing the same design on her body!!

Rae Morris (one of Australia's top Make-up artists) and me.....this woman is one of my idols :) lol

and this is her latest book that she is launching in so lucky to have one early!! its a great book!!

forgot to tell her my name is with 'ie' not a 'y'  :)

anyway here is a sneak peak of her latest book that im loving!!

these eye colour charts are great....the big boxes at the top are your eye your either a warm blue like on the left or a cool blue like me on the right...and the rows underneath show the colours that will compliment your eye colour and the colours that will bring contrast and make your eyes stand out!! very helpful!!

brown eyes!

green eyes

hazel eyes

different brushes and why you need them

more brushes

shopping list of stuff :)

how not to have your eyebrows and why

the perfect eyebrow!!

different looks......actually it was interesting that she said in her talk that 1 in every 3 women in Australia are from either Asian or Indian she has tried to include 1 in every 3 women in her book to be of another nationality!! i thought that was pretty cool :)

she has good everyday looks and also a few bold looks, but she teaches you how to do them for yourself!

Ruby Rose

on another note, when you first walk into the convention centre in Sydney you are given a bag to put all your stuff in, i thought these bags were pretty big, but man you really start to fill them!!

different magazines and information leaflets

this book is about one of the makeup academy's im looking into

pretty cool

GROSS......i think special effects is amazing, but dont think i have the stomach for it :)

different face sharts from MAC

more leaflets.....

and the Emmy Award winning makeup team for The Pacific

this was all i purchased apart from the book....this is a makeup brand called Naked....and its amazing...these loose dust eyeshadows are really pigmented so you only need a tiny little bit!!


gorgeous colours!

this was just using a cotton bud and dipping a small amount onto my spreads so easily!!


i had a great time and learnt lots!!!

would recommend anyone to go next time!!

Love HollieD
