Saturday, June 12, 2010


I dont think i have really said much about my other job (Sportsgirl) so i thought i should put some pictures up!

I have been working there for about 1.5 years now....i started there about 4 months after i moved to Sydney.....I only work there on a friday now as my makeup job takes up a lot of days now....but when i started working with Estee Lauder i wasnt quite ready to leave S.girl as i have made some beautiful friends there and get on very well with my managers so they wanted to keep me too.....

so i will keep it as long as i can until i get too many hours at Estee!

one of my good friends Kyda was studying nursing whilst working at S.girl but she now has a positon at a hospital working on the kids ward, so we said farewell to her last friday :(  im going to miss her so much!!!

so because no customers were around and we had closed up the shop, i was able to take a couple of pictures!

I do love working there, i love the environment and obviously the girls i work with, and i get a discount on the clothes :)  that always helps.........

so here are some photos of my "other" job :)

Kyda and the shoes :)

view of the counter on the left

one of the many walls....its a pretty big store!

the jewellery, accessory, makeup section!

another the displays the girls do!


Kyda and Ngoc ("knock").....we were the only ones left at the end of our shift so i didnt get to take pics of all the other girls!

Me and my miss Kyda.....going to miss her dearly! such a sweet person!

hope you enjoyed the tour of one of my jobs!

Love HollieD

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