I currently go to HILLSONG church in Sydney, a very large christian church. You can visit their website on hillsong.com
I really love going there and wanted to share some photos with you so you can sorta see what its like!!
these pictures are from church this morning (28th Feb 2010), some mite not be so clear because of the lighting in the room
so thats me posing in front of one of the hillsong buses :) these are courtesy buses that pick people up from different suburbs and takes them to church and back for FREE....gotta love that :)
More of the bus :)
a very small section of the front of the building....Picture really doesnt do it justice!
on the top it says-Jesus, hope for humanity!
This is the back half of the church-roughly....in the shadows at the top is more rows of seats but its too dark to see.....basically at the left of the screen is where the stage would be, then stacks of chairs in the middle...then this is where this pic picks up the rest of the room :)
front section, including stage...i was waaaaaaaaay up the back :)
It was so cute, this morning we had baby dedications, where we pray for lil bubs...so we had a line of parents with their little ones and the whole church prayed for them...i got real clucky :) hahaha
and last one........
last pic of the church.......think you got the idea
so yeah, there are just a few pics of my church so that my family and friends can now picture where i am when i go to church every sunday :)
Now, something different.........last nite I went out to dinner in an Italian area near the city, the area is called Leichardt. It is a beautiful area full of cafe's and restuarants, a lot of them are obviously Italian style but there are the random restuarants like Japanese, Asian etc....
anyways last night Emmanuel and I went out with an Italian friend (Alessandro) for dinner and coffee....my camera was playing up a bit with the flash and because it was dark, pictures of buildings etc just wouldnt come out......but here is a few
Alessandro and me :)
Emmanuel and me
The restaurant we ate at!!
My gorgeous hubby Emmanuel
area called THE FORUM....its where the restaurants are....well a couple, plus there are apartments above with cute little balcony's...would be such a nice place to live, like a little Italy :)
After dinner
this was the bar in the restaurant....i thought it looked pretty :) well as pretty as a bar can be!!
the date yesterday was 27th Feb.......and seeings we got married on the 27th July 2008.....every '27th' of every month he has bought me something small as an anniversary pressie.....so sweet and romantic and very thoughful :) i do the same thing, but i have to be honest i have 4gotten so many times, but he always remembers!!!
this is what he got for me....he brought it home from work.....the sweetheart....the flowers were chocolate!!
5 MINS LATER!!!!.......................................
hahahahaahahahaha, so so yummy!!!
Ahhhhh, anyways i shall be off...............
hope your having a great day