Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Watched an ep. of Glee with my bestie earlier and totally knew all what was going on even though I don’t watch it!

Internets, what have you done to me?!

Friday, March 21, 2008

That awkward moment when your friends start talking about Glee and you're just standing there like


06.05 | Passion Play estréia hoje nos cinemas americanos


Vim lembra-los ou ate, informa-los que hoje, estreia Passion Play nos cinemas americanos. Caso haja algum visitante do nosso site nos EUA e tenha a oportunidade de passar no cinema, nao esqueca de fazer um comentario sobre o mesmo.

Passion Play estara nos cinemas do dia 6 de Maio ate dia 16 do mesmo mes. Nao sabemos se tera alguma Premiere do filme hoje, nada foi divulgado, mas nunca desanime de ver nossa diva em mais um evento. Fique atento pois qualquer noticia iremos atualizar nosso site com fotos, videos e textos sobre tal estreia.

Dear Robert Pattinson

Please forgive me. I never knew how amazingly talented you are. You’re brilliant and beautiful and I’m sorry that something as silly as my hate for Twilight made me hate you. I love you, I do. You’re attractive and talented. You’re laugh makes me all giggly. Please accept my apology.


