Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Happy Birthday RPattz!


- 13 de Maio de 1986, nasceu Robert Thomas Pattinson – O menino de olhos claros, cabelos loirinhos e bochechas rosadas que ganhou o coracao de todos. O menino de origem britanica, que de um jeito unico e tambem inexplicavel – conquistou muitas pessoas, nao estou dizendo por sua aparencia e sim pelo seu jeito de ser em pessoa, RPattz – ora apresenta ser timido, quieto – nao e de se “expor” muito, e tambem nem de se envolver em “escandalos”, - mas por estes e muitas outras caracteristicas que podem ser usadas ao descreve-lo, nenhuma delas conseguem descrevero talento e a humildade que existe nele. O garoto que possui uma voz rouca, e personalidade unica– consegue de certa forma “prender” a atencao de muitos, e no caso de seus fas bem, quem e entende – que o sentimento por este nosso idolo e inexplicavel, nao e mesmo? 

RPattz, ou somente Pattz, - dizem que esta admiracao, este pequeno amor platonico”, que sinto por voce e temporario, quando tudo acabar este tambem se acabara. Mas, na verdade eles nao sabem, o quao longe este “amor platonico’ como eles dizem, vai longe – pois vai alem de uma pequena foto, noticia, qualquer coisa que represente o que voce fez, faz ou deixou de fazer. Esta admiracao que sinto por ti, e por voce, como pessoa, voce de alguma forma trouxe sentido a vida, provas de que sonhos que construimos, podem ser sim alcancados, que e tudo um questao de tempo. – Voce me mostrou que precisamos batalhar, por aquilo que queremos, - conseguiu demostrar que nao e preciso mudar nosso proprio carater para conquistar alguem, voce simplesmente faz-me sentir mais viva mais real, pois voce me traz sentido pra falar a esta realidade que eu vivo, por mais que nao seja a mais perfeita, nela existem coisa, pequenas mas porem especiais para nos. Meu “garoto britanico” lhe desejo um FELIZ ANIVERSARIO, e tambem lhe agradeco por ter esse sorriso, que me tras a vida, e tambem um pouco de alegria, agradeco, por sua coragem e talento, agradeco, por fazer com que um dos meus melhores personagens de tantas historias lidas se tornasse “de certa forma, REAL” – sim agradeco, por voce interpretar Edward Cullen, que nao sei como, ate hoje, nao consigo encontrar palavras que descrevam o quao bem voce consegue interpretar este personagem. – RPattz, fique sabendo isto que eu e com certeza muitas pessoas pelo mundo sentimos por voce, nao e algo adotado como “modinha”, na verdade e o verdadeiro significado de ser fa, pois fa e aquele que ama seus idolos, como um todo – reconhece, os erros, qualidades, que existem – Digo, que por mais que voce nao tenha nocao da minha existencia, eu lhe admiro e lhe apoio, e sempre apoiarei voce, pois e simples – voce e unico, criticas nao te abalam pois nem estes que podem ter contato com voce, conseguem ver quem voce realmente e . Feliz aniversario, e mais uma vez Obrigada por tudo. 

E neste dia, que de certa forma e especial, para aqueles que entendem o significado deste lhe desejo:

Forcas, para que voce nunca se deixe abalar, e nunca desista de seus sonhos.

Esperanca, pois sem esta – nao seremos nada .

Alegria, para que voce nunca deixe de mostrar ao mundo este seu sorriso, tao unico.

enfim, desejo lhe tudo de bom, eternamente.

Fique sabendo que eu, e muitos outros – irao te apoiar eternamente S2 .

Saturday, August 25, 2007

SCARY by Britney Spears

It really fucking bugs me that this song is just a Japanese bonus track and won’t be a single. First of all I think the song could have been a little bit better but I love it anyway. I really like the production because I love the idea of mixing some classic horror movie sounds with pop music. Like, I think it’s genius. And the video could be so fucking epic and creepy and GENUINELY SCARY. Could you imagine how fucking amazing that would be? Like Thriller for 2011 but scarier and sexier. And it’s never going to happen because no one has any idea what they are doing. I’m not complaining b/c I LOVE Hold It Against Me and I think the video is fucking amazing, I also love Til The World Ends and think the video is great (not as good as HIAM and kinda too similar to Slave but still)… so It’s not like I hate what she’s doing or anything but I just wish Scary could be a single.

Also, Brit I love you gurl and I know you are busy with your boys and tour rehearsal but you should be doing a S&M remix video with RiRi and a TTWE Remix video with Ke$ha & Nicki. Jesus fuck we would all drop dead. There should also be live performances of both. I’m hoping maybe when Brit tours in LA/NY Ke$ha will show up and they can do TTWE at least. PLEASE GOD!!


Monday, August 13, 2007

I was actually warming up to Rihanna when she made fun of that "Princess of the Illuminati" shit in the S&M video

And then the entire video ended up being a ripoff of a photoshoot David LaChapelle had did. Oh Rihanna, why you so disappointing in every sense?

Saturday, August 11, 2007


Jeeeeees i just saw somebody blog a paragraph out of josh’s blog about how everything is about hayley and blah blah blah and then whoever posted it put on the end “this is why i fucking hate hayley williams” im pretty sure she wouldnt like you either. They complain about it all being about hayley and sometimes yeahh it is but its because shes the only girl, she mega pretty, she writes the songs and shes freaking awesome. It was their choice to leave the band and look at all those fan blogs and sites that are for the boys and not just hayley, why complain just because the person you are obsessed with isnt doing what you want them to do, your just blaming it on others. Leave people alone, its their life.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

GaGa's response to interviewer who says "Born This Way" sounds like "Express Yourself"

Interviewer: “It does sound quite alot like Express Yourself, though, doesn’t it? The reference seems so obvious that it had to be intentional because, as you say, you are not stupid.”

Gaga: “No. Listen to me. What the fuck? I’m a songwriter…Why would I try to put out a song and think I’m getting one over on everyone? What a ridiculous thing to even question me about. I will look you in your eyes and tell you that I am not dumb or moronic enough to think that you are dumb or moronic enough to not see if I would have stolen a melody. I was fucking shell shocked by it. If you put the songs next to each other, side by side, the only similarities are the chord progression. It’s the same one which has been in disco music for the last 50 years. Just because I’m the first artist in 25 years to think of putting it on Top 40 radio doesn’t mean I’m a plagiarist, it means I’m fucking smart. Sorry… I don’t wanna perpetuate that shit. I know you wanna talk about it but it’s just so ridiculous. It’s so funny to hear you say ‘It must have been homage,’ I’m like ‘NO’, when I homage I fucking homage with a BIG sign saying I’ve done it. Why would i not do that now? (Sighs) I need a drink.”

Saturday, August 4, 2007

What I don't get is why people still think it's going to be Karofsky who dies


I think on almost every site they say that it will be a FEMALE last time I checked Dave doesn’t have breasts. Or anything that relates him to being a girl. But if you count kissing a guy, that is called gay, not girl. Might be a little confusing because they both start with a g. Look past that and read the rest of the word.

And what’s been going around he’s not even going to be in the next episode, and in the promo it shows Kurt and Finn holding a stuffed animal and a flower. Even though its weird I’m sure they will show the body, so he would have to be shown in the episode, at least that’s what I would think.

I think they said that Beiste will be in next season so it’s not her.

My bets are all on Jean, Sue’s sister. Or Quinn’s mom. I really don’t know. All I know is that its a female and not Dave so that’s where I will leave this.

Changed my background, theme and sidebar gifs

I miss the old one though but oh well.


Wednesday, August 1, 2007

This is how my car CD is shaping up so far

**ignore weird choice of capitalisation. Word is just not with it lately**

  1. Paramore – Where The Lines Overlap

  2. Panic! At the Disco – Ready to Go

  3. Forever The Sickest Kids – She’s a Lady

  4. All Time Low – Damned if I do Ya

  5. VersaEmerge – Paint It Black

  6. Jessie J – Price Tag

  7. Avril Lavigne – What The Hell

  8. You Me at Six – Save It For The Bedroom

  9. Paramore – Looking Up

  10. Boys Like Girls – Love Drunk

  11. We Are The in Crowd – Both Sides of the Story

  12. B.o.B – Past My Shades

  13. VersaEmerge – Figure it Out

  14. Calais – Don’t Panic

  15. Chase & Status – Heavy

  16. Panic! At the Disco and fun. – C’mon

  17. Forever The Sickest Kids – Whoa Oh!

  18. Paramore – Here We Go Again

  19. Hey Monday – How You Love Me Now

  20. Jessie J – Do It Like A Dude

  21. The Swellers – Feet First

  22. Taylor Swift – you belong with me

  23. All Time Low - Weightless

Fingers crossed it all fits on one CD!

EDIT: not all can fit. I have to take one off :( which one???

I took off chase and status :( didn’t want to, but knowing my I’ll have my cousins in the car at some point and forget the vast amounts of swearing. I do not think my uncle would appreciate a 5 and 8 year old learning certain words because of me.
