Saturday, May 14, 2011

Taking Chances

So everybody is obsessed with Glee right?? Right! Well if people really like glee so much then why don’t they form a glee club, or show choir, at their own school? Show choir is a lot of fun! I mean it’s not really anything like Glee, we dont sing new songs every day, but we do get to learn one set with 5 songs and learn dances to all of those songs and then we go out and compete!! It may not be glamorous as Glee, but it’s still loads of fun where you make the greatest of friends and have awesome times! But I know a lot if Gleeks aren’t even in high school so they can’t participate in glee clubs and show choir, but for those if you who are, I say that you should try it!

If you’re not willing to join show choir or you’re already doing busy with sports or something atleast support our arts. If people think that the glee clubs and show choirs (and the other arts like the theater groups and bands) at high schools aren’t repressed like they are in Glee, and that the participants don’t get made fun of like the kids in the show, then they’re wrong. The arts are seen as a joke. Nobody comes to our performances, wether it’s the school musical or just a spring concert where the show choir, band, jazz band, and chorus come together and perform. I don’t know if it’s like that at every school, but I know it is at my school. We never can get enough members for our show choir, especially boys, this past year we only had 7 for 25 girls, and for the musical too, which we almost couldn’t do it because of such a small cast, we had maybe 30 people who regularly showed up. That wouldn’t be all that except for the fact that at my high school there’s almost 4,000 students. Then we have a problem of funding, all of the money goes to sports. We lost money for our musical since not enough people came to see it and we only got $2,000 for our show choir to pay for all of our competitions, which really we have so much more to pay for than just competitions. But you might think that we may have a fee to be in our show choir like the other ones, but we can’t do that since we live in such an urban area with many people who can’t afford things like that. Being in the arts is so much fun and people don’t see that. If you don’t do a sport you’re at the bottom of the heap… Always.

This needs to change. Some people thought that since Glee came out people might be more accepting, but they’re not. We need to show people that the performing arts is cool! And fun! And not lame and just for girls! People need to realize this! It’s not fair. We’re pushed down for being different and ourselves , and yet we’re always told we should strive to be just that. So come on people!! Support our arts!!!!!!!

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